All were ready by the official opening.
Children were organised into
four houses named after steel firms in the City of
Sheffield. These were
Mappin, Osborn, Firth and Allen.
started at 8.55 a.m. and finished at 4.00 p.m. There were nine
periods during the day. Between
periods three and four there was a fifteen minute break and lunch
was after period five, there was another ten minute break between
periods seven and eight.
had to pay for their school dinners at the start of the week and
there was no choice of dinners.
Very few children took sandwiches.
School milk was available free for all pupils.
behaviour could be punished by corporal punishment.
it was only compulsory to stay at school until the end of the
fourth year (Y10) the plan was to offer courses leading to public
examinations (GCE and CSE) and pupils were going to be encouraged
to stay on to take these exams.