All pupils were expected to wear uniform but it was recorded that not all the new intake had uniform on their first day. The uniform consisted of:

Grey skirt, grey cardigan, long sleeved white blouse with collar, school tie, black beret, black blazer, black shoes, uniform dresses were also allowed in summer a navy blue raincoat or coat and a school bag or case

Grey flannels, white or grey plain shirt, school tie,
black cap, black blazer, black shoes, a navy blue raincoat or coat and a school bag or case.

Other uniform requirements were

Navy blue knickers, white P.T. blouse, black slippers, black swimming costume and regulation cap, towel, hockey boots desireable. Cookery caps and aprons bought from school for 7s 1d (about 35p)

Navy blue football shorts, white T shirt, black slippers, football boots, trunks, towel, apron for woodwork and metalwork. 

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